Be in the Know about Convection Ovens

An oven that cuts cooking time by up to 50 percent and reduces cooking temperature by up to 30 percent? Sold! That’s the magic of convection cooking, which uses air currents to bake food quickly and efficiently. But just like any other piece of restaurant equipment, there are a lot of options to consider before selecting the perfect model for your establishment.

Get to know the anatomy and requirements of a convection oven now so you can be a smart shopper. Here are the most important considerations:

Gas or electric: For convenience stores and other small businesses, a countertop convection oven is a good option – these operate solely on electricity. For bigger restaurants, either gas, electric or a combo is appropriate. Even if you select an oven that is gas powered, it will require electricity to run the fan to create the convection air currents.  

Fans: A fan is the key element of convection cooking, so be sure to ask about what type and how many fans are on each model. Some will feature a single fan that rotates in a single direction. Larger, high-end models may have multiple fans for better airflow. Some even feature an auto-reverse option that is activated every time the oven is opened.  

Footprint: Half size, full size, double stack – commercial convection ovens come in a lot of measurements and orientations. Make sure you know your available space before making a purchase. Keep in mind gas models require a bit more clearance (about 1 inch on all sides, depending on the unit) due to the design placement of heating elements.

Design variables: There are a lot of differences in construction between commercial convection ovens. For example, some have single solid doors while others have double glass doors. Temperature range will vary also, so make sure you know what your menu will require so you purchase the right model. Keep in mind things like meat, poultry and seafood all cook well in a convection oven.

Purchasing a commercial convection oven is a big decision, so make sure to ask the expert staff at any questions you have. With years of experience in the restaurant service industry, they can provide keen insights into the right model for your needs.